The dosage machine is mainly a weighing instrument, PLC as an auxiliary control system, computer human-machine interface to display the proportioning parameters (formula) and monitor and record the real-time data. In automatic control mode, by clicking the "Start" button of automatic dosage in the pre-dosage process screen or the "Start" button of the pre-dosage control cabinet, the weighing instrument opens the weighing valve of the electronic scale according to the set recipe. If the system detects that the dosage valve of a scale is not closed, an alarm occurs and the scale enters the pause state. Each scale has an advance quantity according to the weighing speed. When the control instrument detects that the weighing weight of the scale reaches the set value, the advance quantity will be subtracted and the control instrument will close the feeding valve. The amount of advance can be corrected manually or automatically, so that the control instrument can control the dosage scale to reach the set target value every time the dosage accuracy.

Batching machine is the ideal equipment for continuous batching and metering of bulk materials, which can be used for metering and feeding and can be combined with multiple machines for automatic batching, and is used for dynamic metering of various powdery and granular materials for continuous conveying to provide accurate metering data for the production, control and management of special industrial sites. The equipment consists of two asymmetric screws, rotating around the axis at the same time with the help of the rotating arm of the rotary role in the cone for the rotary movement, through the spiral of the male and female rotation of the material to repeatedly lift the final mixing of the purpose of uniformity. The product has a wide range of applications, can be powder and powder, powder and liquid mixing, easy to mix fine powder, fiber or flake materials; the equipment is one of the earlier development and application of the market mixer.
Weighing and feeding system has two sets of receiving and weighing control system: set of batch receiving and dosing, batch vehicles are transported to the temporary liquid silo by discharging positive pressure. The liquid from the silo is discharged from the tank via a diaphragm pump, and the screw is discharged from the silo, inspected and delivered to the mixing silo under positive air pressure. Liquid from the mixing bin is discharged from the tank via a diaphragm pump and the tube screw propeller is discharged from the bin. Mixing of heavy liquids using dosing screw propellers and mixing of the tube screw propellers into the silo via a distributor. Setting up the magnetic separation process during transfer. Due to the high-density phase pneumatic conveying, the de-dusting system requires only a small number of relatively mobile hoppers, compressor hoppers and liquid silos for inhalation of the de-dusting; the metering of the de-dusting unit is transported to the liquid silos by means of pneumatic pressure. The batch bins are fitted with separate plug-in pulse dust collectors.
The automatic Feeder utilizes a positive-pressure, high-density phase pneumatic conveying system consisting of an air compressor and a rotary valve for direct delivery to the reactor, powered by a compressor. The dosing pressure is high and the flow rate is low, but the carrying capacity is large and has little effect on the material. High pressure is required during transportation, so the liquid substance will be clogged. Accordingly, the liquid transport pipes are fitted with auxiliary ducts, unblocking pipes and valves according to the metering layout of each transport unit. The blocking should be placed along the liquid delivery metering. The outer diameter of the blocking arm pipe is φ50~φ100mm, the diameter of the branch pipe is φ40~φ65mm, and the horizontal angle between the blocking branch pipe and the liquid delivery pipe is not more than 30. Check valves, plug valves, or ball valves must be installed in the sewer metering near the liquid delivery metering. Dust collector-treated metering is conveyed back to the liquid reactor through the existing positive gas pressure. A Roots blower provides the discharge source. To prevent pulse discharge, an outlet injection port is installed at the bottom of the pulse to fluidize the reactor tank.