The weighing mixer installs a module at the bottom of the silo, and ensures the normal operation of the whole system through the precise control of the electrical program. The control objects in the pneumatic conveying of positive pressure pulse material and acid are the exhaust valve, feed valve, discharge valve, pulse gas knife valve and inlet valve in the silo. The control mode is controlled by Siemens programmable controller, and the solenoid valves and motors are controlled by the operation of Proface touch screen, contactors and intermediate relays, which is convenient for debugging and maintenance.

Automatic batching machine usually consists of weighing module forming the scale, unloading mechanism, feeding mechanism and control system. Weighing module with weighing transmitter and PLC plus touch screen, through the weighing module under the scale frame to measure the weight, to ensure the quality of raw materials on the bin. When the system is running, the weight data and speed signal received by the computer are converted into cumulative value and instantaneous flow after arithmetic operation, and the data are transmitted to the working control machine, and the analog current signal is transmitted to the inverter controller, and the inverter machine carries out appropriate finishing of the current to change the upper level to the rotation speed of the Feeding machine, and then completes the calculation and configuration of raw materials.
Weighing Feeder (batching equipment) integrates computer technology, automatic control, communication technology and weighing technology into one, with perfect control function, centralized display and operation, convenient data processing, simple installation and maintenance, and easy system expansion. In the structure of the computer centralized control system to solve the "danger of centralized" problem, so that the "management of centralized danger of decentralized", the system is stable and reliable to meet the use of continuous production process.
Weighing and mixing machine (batching equipment) application configuration software to complete the data acquisition and process control support a variety of communication protocols to provide users with a variety of equipment support, colorful dynamic screen and the system's powerful features, so that you can easily operate the Dosage system has a strong scalability, easier to integrate with other systems, and more effective protection of the user's investment. The redundant station utilizes two redundant CPUs to improve higher availability and safety. It switches automatically from the running system to the other in case of failure according to the principle of one out of two. This way for single-station systems you can provide dual power supplies or industrial Ethernet communication modules for each subsystem and combine them. Safe, reliable and advanced and practical system design chooses the mature and advanced distributed computer control system to decentralize the dangers and improve the reliability of the system under the premise of centralized management of information and scientific operation in the production process, collects all kinds of data on the site with PLC and transmits them to the central control room for centralized monitoring and management through high-speed network, and the mainframe of the central control room also transmits the control commands through the high-speed network to the The mainframe of the central control room also transmits control commands to the PLC measurement and control terminals through high-speed network to implement the decentralized management of each unit.