
画板 1
SA12 weighing cell

The weighing sensor uses the compensation network based on radial basis function neural network to complete the nonlinear error compensation of the sensor; In the lower limit region, a digital filter is used to complete the nonlinear error compensation. In the middle area, the weighing sensor does not compensate, and at the same time, the selection of subsection compensation is completed by using the adaptive selection network. The piecewise compensation model of nonlinear error is established to obtain good compensation effect.

Product details

The weighing sensors are accumulated through the junction box and transmitted to the weighing instrument, which displays the weight of materials in the current weighing in real time through A/D conversion. The displayed weight data is transmitted to PLC through serial communication, and the PLC compares the collected weight of the weighing module with the weight set in the touch screen (or computer) of the Electronic scale to control the action of the whole reaction kettle. It adopts high-performance configuration software, has a complete Chinese interface, and has real-time data display, flow and temperature control curves, alarm and operation records, complete production reports and other management functions.

In order to realize the static weighing measurement of large containers and hoppers in industrial environment, weighing module integrates weighing sensor, load transmission device, limit and overload prevention, and can be easily connected with various mechanical equipment. On the basis of traditional resistance strain sensor, combined with modern microelectronics technology and microcomputer technology, control functions are added, including weight display, quantitative feeding, unloading, field equipment control, alarm signal display, formula setting and process monitoring.

technical parameter

* Rated load (R.C.): 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 50t.

* rated output (r.o.): 2 0.0050mv/v.

* Zero balance: 0.015mv/v.

* Comprehensive error: ±0.03%R.O 。

* nonlinearity: ±0.03%R.O

* Lag: ±0.03%R.O 。

* repeat: sex ±0.02%R.O

* Creep (30min): ±0.03%R.O 。

* Normal operating temperature range: -10...+40℃

* allowable working temperature range: -20...+70℃

* Influence of temperature on sensitivity: 0.02% r.o./10℃

* Influence of temperature on zero point: 0.02% r.o./10℃

* Recommended excitation voltage: 10V(DC/AC)

* Maximum excitation voltage: 15V(DC/AC)

* Input impedance: 770 10 Ω

* Output impedance: 700 5 Ω

* insulation impedance: > 5000MΩ

* safety overload: 150%R.C

* ultimate overload: 300%R.C

* Elastic element material: alloy steel

* Protection grade: IP68
